And Justice For All

Sam analyzes the unfair and bias treatment governors are giving to different groups of Americans. Also Sam shares when he met Roger Stone and why Trump made the right decision on his case, the Supreme Court rulings surrounding the President’s tax returns and how they aren’t as big of a deal as the media claims them to be, and why we should be focusing more on murders than COVID.

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Born In The USA

Sam reviews President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech (surprise, high marks all around) and explains why the 4th of July is his favorite holiday. Also, blue state governors treating different groups unfairly, the record setting jobs report, and why it’s important to make friends with a liberal.

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America V China

America Vs China Sam goes into detail on China and why they are the biggest geopolitical threat to our country. Also, Portland is on fire and New York is in denial, why covid deaths are being over reported, and how Chief Justice is making more poor decisions.

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The Absentee President

Sam gives his take on the election and why the left will have buyer’s remorse. Even more, how we had a record number of ballots but not voters, and why Rudy could be harmful to Trump’s legal fight. Also, CA Dems vs. NV Dems and Sam’s Pro-Nevada outlook.

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