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We Can’t Have It Both Ways

Sam shares the perfect defense for mask shaming and how we’re driven by fear, not data. Also, analysis on the recent Supreme Court decisions and why conservatives should be supportive of the outcomes, debunking Bolton’s new book, and why we need to accept our differences and be tolerant of others.

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Lawless In Seattle

Sam talks about what we need to get our communities back together – not a lawless world with corner shakedowns, but celebrating people, their accomplishments, and their individuality. The cure to the problem isn’t more divisive language and actions, but open dialogue and patience. Also, Sam explains what defunding the police actually means and why […]

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The Absentee President

Sam gives his take on the election and why the left will have buyer’s remorse. Even more, how we had a record number of ballots but not voters, and why Rudy could be harmful to Trump’s legal fight. Also, CA Dems vs. NV Dems and Sam’s Pro-Nevada outlook.

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