The Disappearance of Differing Opinions

With a new survey showing that over 60 percent of Americans are afraid to reveal their political beliefs, Sam drops a truth bomb on how the willingness to hear dissent in America has vanished and how we can get it back. Sam analyzes President Trump’s summer of missed opportunities. While the president’s tweets about the 2020 election make the news, Sam brings the facts on why a mail-in ballot system in America could be a total disaster. And Democrats just can’t seem to crack Attorney General Bill Barr. 

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Holding Power Groups Accountable

Sam goes beyond the hot takes of the media and gets at the true matter behind the brutal killing of George Floyd and how being pro-police and holding bad cops accountable isn’t mutually exclusive. Also, why it’s time to open up Vegas, canceling cancel culture, and the COVID hierarchy of greetings. Proud to be a […]

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Lawless In Seattle

Sam talks about what we need to get our communities back together – not a lawless world with corner shakedowns, but celebrating people, their accomplishments, and their individuality. The cure to the problem isn’t more divisive language and actions, but open dialogue and patience. Also, Sam explains what defunding the police actually means and why […]

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Surviving Virtual Education

Sam looks at the left’s obsession with bad news to stay in control of the media’s narrative. Also, the impact of virtual school on our children, how Bannon’s indictment is another example of leftist favoritism, Al Sharpton‘s secret, affluent lifestyle, and Sam’s upcoming trip to Europe with his son.

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